Sulay Leon

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I love to connect with this valuable instrument that God gave us that is nature, so that through it we can offer healing and transform lives, accomplishing each day the growth of our community, forming a real Family through our oils.

I believe that eating the right foods for your body, can be your best medicine. After I experienced that myself, I became a coach in Raw Food Nutrition.

I also believe that plants were created for our benefit, not only flowers have a delicious aroma that transport us to paradise, elevating our emotional state, but also herbs and trees have so many properties that we could never finish exploring them.


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My Story:

From 9 years old, I have had hormone challenges and I have been searching for the best solution, but none of the doctors I visited could find one. So I continued mu search and changing my nutrition. I started to see positive results so I decided to specialize as Coach in Raw Food Nutrition.

I started using Young Living Essential oils since December 2014 and they have been such a blessing for me, as I have been able to support my family's health in a natural and effective way.

Essential oils have become part of the transformation in my community and they have become a great addition to my Raw Food classes.

My "Why":

During these difficult times of so much suffering, these oils represent hope for today's world. How is that? Besides the benefits that the oils bring to our body and emotions, we also have the great opportunity to share them with the people we love the most and with this, to have financial support so that we may continue to sustain our families.

My why is my daughter, whom I love with all my heart and I work to provide for her and to give her a good education and a worthy life. We all have dreams, and my dream is to help so many people have the Wellness, Purpose and Abundance they deserve, with Young Living's help.

Questions? Feel free to contact me. I will be happy to assist you!