Annabel Alanis
I'm a full-time mom, food and home-cooking lover, blogger, number one fan of my family, never-ending learner and discovering-new-things lover. Naturopath, Herbal and Alternative Medicine enthusiast, My garden is the name of my fourth child, my vocation as teacher is nailed to my heart, passionate about the wonders of God's love and his marvelous gifts, from our every day’s life, to the smallest and most simple things
It all started when my eldest son was 3, (he is seven now). After spending so much time, money and effort visiting pediatricians, dermatologists, allergologists and trying all kinds of ointments and treatments to help his bad eczema, I decided to make a big shift and give essential oils a try to support his skin, along with switching the laundry detergents to baking soda and white vinegar, body lotions for natural oils, gotten rid of chemical laden home cleaning products and removing for a while gluten and other allergens from his diet to allow his body to detox. Although I reintroduced those food items back, I keep them to a minimum or avoid them whenever possible.
Somewhere, somehow I had heard that Young Living oils, could help achieve different health goals, so I thought I had enough already with the cortisone creams and yuck for my babe and decided to get my Young Living Essential Oils kit delivered straight to my front door. The very moment I opened my first bottle of lavender, my life changed forever. That moment, I also opened the door to a whole new world: a healthy lifestyle that tI could have never imagined before. From that time, I decided to invest on my family's health, by learning and being responsible for taking care of this precious body that God lend me to glorify Christ name, and to share my knowledge with my friends.
So, to the newbies and curious that want to try this toxic-free life style, let me tell you that it is one step at the time… This will be work in progress, and even though you cannot change all the bad habits in one day, every little decision counts. Be patient, be flexible and be willing to learn, it is worth it!
I so love sharing my life's journey in becoming a health promoter, as spirit, soul and body health, are so necessary in our world today. Finding real freedom, real joy, the real you, God wants you to be. That, my friend, is my biggest goal on earth. That, and helping people discover the marvels of pure essential medicine found in nature given by God, the plants, brought to you in a bottle by Young Living, who will never, ever compromise the purity and quality of our oils, from seed to seal.
Questions? Feel free to contact me. I will be happy to assist you!