Recursos para miembros
Favorite among members! If you are ready to fully immerse yourself and DIVE IN to get the most out of your oils, This book is for you! A compact & comprehensive guide with all you need to know about each essential oil and blend in Young Living:
- Oil composition, history, biblical references, medical properties and uses
- Blends general info and oils contained
- Hand, feet, column and ear reflex points charts
- A "Before you start" section
- History of Essential oils
- Raindrop technique explanation
- A "Personal Usage" section with a brief explanation to most physical ailments and recommended oils, blends and supplements to support and how to use them
- All nutritional supplements carried by Young Living
- Extensive explanation about oils and Emotions
- hormones (endocrine)
- Each organ cleansing and recipes
- Energy centres
- History and benefits of Ningxia red
- Oils for Pets, and much more. Definitely worth the investment if you want to understand each supplement benefits and explore more about health at a deeper level.
Available in Spanish
This book serves 2 purposes:
1: It is a beautifully written book for understanding the biblical passages that talk about the essential oils we use today. How they were used and valued in Jesus' time and how some of the plants, spices, perfumes and oils, were used on Him or by Him. If you are in for a fantastic time travel and get the knowledge and application of those oils for today.
2: It is also a curriculum and guide to be able to teach the "Oils of ancient scripture" class in a very inviting and interactive way. If you are a passionate Bible reader you will most definitely enjoy this book and be encourage to share this class with your church members and congregation.
Available in Spanish: "Aceites Curativos de la Biblia"
Rule of thumb: If you don't like an oil, you need it. Such oil may be triggering a memory connected to an unresolved emotion. Find out more about it and release it following this book guidance.
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Page created by our leaders Jonathan & Laura Hopkins with general education about Oils, Farms, and anything YL related. Like it and share it with people interested about learning more about oils and YL.
This is Young Living's chief science officer and he gives wonderful, easy to follow explanations about the science behind the oils and products. Make sure to follow him if you would like to know how oils work and the science behind them!